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by jnhn 2024. 1. 28.
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Day 22 <몇 명이서 오셨어요?>
For how many?
How many in your party?
<실전상황별 스피킹_결국 잘 해낼거라고 믿어>
I believe in your ablity to come out ahead.
I believe in your ability to persevere.
You've made it this far.
I want you to know that you can call me anytime.
- botch:
- come out ahead: 잘 해내다.
- persevere: 인내심
Day 23 <'콘센트' 영어가 아니다>
Where is the power outlet?
Plug it into the outlet.
- power outlet: 콘센트
<상황보면서 하자>
Let's see how it goes and decide accordingly.
Let's play it by ear.
- play it by ear : 즉흥적으로 연주하다.
Day 24 <그거 들었어?>
Did you hear the news?
Have you heard the news?
<간지나는 인사법>
Hey, what's good?
Well, look who it is?
Day 25 <별로다>
It's not that great.
<늘 잘 챙겨줘서 고마워>
Thanks for looking out for me.
Thank you for always looking out for me.
- look out: 돌봐주다, 챙겨주다.
Day 27 <다른곳도 잠시 둘러보고 올게요>
I'm going to look around more. I'll be back.
<애정이 식은거니?>
I don't think you like me the way you used to.
It seems like you're not that into me any more.
Day 28 <권태기>
We're going through a rough patch right now.
I think we're past the honeymoon phase.
- go through :지나가다
- rough patch: 어려운 시기
- honey moon phase : 신혼시기
<곧 잘거야>
I'm about to go to bed soon,
- be about to : 곧 ~ 할거야

이번주는 조금 정신이 없이 흘러갔다. 운동계획이랑 이것저것 겹치다보니 스픽을 살짝 등한시했달까..^^ 이런 변명 다시는 안하겠습니다. 애니웨이 그래도 1일 1스픽은 해냈다! 그럼된거지 일하면서 공부하는 나자신 칭찬해

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