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스픽 5주차 Content Voca & Syntex Day 29 Well, since it turned out this way... - turn out : 결과적으로 일이나 진행이 어떻게 되다. - well since So when are you going to ask me out? Did he ask you out? She has feelings for you. Do you have feelings for her? - ask out: 고백하다. 사귀자고 하다. - have feelings :좋아하는 감정을 가지다. Day 30 It's stuffy in here. It's so stuffy in this car can we open the windows? - stuffy: 공기가 꽉막힌 Mr. Kim is a re.. 2024. 2. 7.
스픽4주차 Content Voca & Syntex Day 22 For how many? How many in your party? I believe in your ablity to come out ahead. I believe in your ability to persevere. You've made it this far. I want you to know that you can call me anytime. - botch: - come out ahead: 잘 해내다. - persevere: 인내심 Day 23 Where is the power outlet? Plug it into the outlet. - power outlet: 콘센트 Let's see how it goes and decide accordingl.. 2024. 1. 28.
스픽 3주차 Content Voca & Syntex Day15 I've always been skinny. Has is always been like this? No it hasn't always been like that. There used to be a cafe here. Jay is not actually a bad person. - have been ~(현재완료형): 예전부터 쭉(지속) - used to ~: 과거와 다른 현재 - actually :사실은 Day 16 This picture looks beautiful from any angle. - from any angle : 어떻게 봐도~ Do people say that you look just like your mom? Yeah, I get that.. 2024. 1. 21.
스픽 2주차 Day Content Voca & Syntex Day8 I know that it's hard to get over a break up. I know that it's hard to lose some one. I want you to know that you can call me any time. We can get though this. This to shall pass. - 이또한 지나가리: This too shall pass. Day 9 It's a shamet that I can't go. I wish I could see you. - It's a shame that ~: ~ 해서 아쉽다. - I wish I could ~: ~ 하면 좋을텐 What are your up to? Are you bu.. 2024. 1. 14.